Bunorr Integrated Energy Limited is an exciting place to work for people who want to make a difference. Our employees are "Bold Thinkers" and "Big Doers". Below is a list of the values that define our workplace culture.
As the topic of integrity goes, at Bunorr we pride in our constant and unflinching sincerity at work and in transactions whether amongst our staff or with third parties. We always strive to be as transparent as humanly possible and as such, we encourage our prospective staff members to build up the habit of sincerity in all endeavours.
The desire for a clean and green environment is what drove us into business in the first place, because the health and safety of not just our staff but also our host communities is top priority to us. That being said, at Bunorr we strive to rid our environment of pollution by working to make sure our processes do not have adverse effects on the environment we operate in.
At Bunorr we believe in searching the depths of the hearts of our staff for creative and conceptual thoughts that reflect excellence in all we do. Just as Steven Covey said, "to be successful we must live from our imaginations not from our memories", at Bunorr we learn from past mistakes but don't dwell on them, instead, we focus on achieving new things together as a TEAM
At Bunorr we are open and committed to training and re-training for achievement of the great goal of Improvement. The age we are is one that changes constantly and in order not to be left behind our staff and management are committed to discovering new technologies and techniques for proper service delivery.
The world is a global village connected by the waves of the internet and the intelligence of the computer and at Bunorr we have set out to explore the endless possibilities that technology can bring to our business. We operate using topnotch processes and systems in our overall service delivery, our team of sound engineering and technical staff makes it possible to execute our vision of becoming a global energy company that provides premium value at all times.
Being an establishment comprised of tested and trusted leaders, we build up our staff to become thoughtful and selfless leaders who can observe tasks ahead, explore the available options, reflect on previous experiences and take proper positive actions putting team work at the for front of all activities.